What happened in our competition? Well, I won despite my trading gaff. If you go to the fanatsy site right now your team will have been "archived" click on the archived team on the left and then scroll ALL the way to the bottom to find a link to the competition to see how you fared. But, here's the breakdown: I won, Katy S hung in there for 2nd despite not having Pietersen on her team, Michael took 3rd followed by Catherine in 4th. Anna had huge gains to move up into 5th while Missy suffered from her absence and wound up in 6th. Arvinder edged out James and Moira held onto that ill begotten 9th place knocking Henry into 10th. Bob took 11th followed by Sandeep, Paul and the Sweaty Teddy goes to Shan S. Here's your final worm:

Thanks all for another fun tournament. Lets do it again soon.......The Soccer World cup is in a month. Who's in?