We are at the halfway point and it seems that anyone could win at this point as long as your name is Katy Robinson. Everyone else is trying not to come last. There are many sad stories in the the big city. Henry claims Catherine kept him from getting to the computer to choose Bravo before the game began, Katy S missed out on 47 points due to missed trades, Moira claims to be out of town, Paul claims not to be able to watch the games and eden blames the Iranians.
So, to cheer everyone up here are some cricket jokes:
What do you get if you cross a tin opener, a vampire and a cricket team?
An opening bat.
Expectant Father
An expectant father rang the hospital to see how his wife was getting on.
By mistake he was connected to the Lord's cricket ground.
"How's it going?" he asked.
"Fine," came the answer, "We've got three out and hope to have the rest out before lunch. The last one was a duck."
Spelling Bee
In school, the teacher asked Johnny to spell "bowling".
Back came the answer : "B-o-e-l-i-n."
"That," said the teacher, "is the worst spell of bowling I've ever seen."
Q. What's the English version of a hat trick?
A. Three runs in three balls. --- For Catherine
Q. Why don't English fielders need pre tour travel injections?
A. Because they never catch anything. --- For Catherine again :-)
And finally a commentary quote:
It's been very slow and dull day, but it hasn't been boring. It's been a good, entertaining day's cricket.- Tony Benneworth, ABC Radio